Hendersonville Rescue Mission

639 Maple Street
Hendersonville, NC - 28792
(828) 697-1354
Fax Number: (828) 697-8114


The general purpose of the Hendersonville Rescue Mission shall be to minister to needy persons by way of presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them and helping to provide for their spiritual and physical needs.
The food services at the Mission are quite unique in that the food is delicious and the entire public is welcome to join us for a meal, not just those staying in our living quarters.
Our cooks pride themselves on serving a square, hot meal that includes salad, meat and two veggies, as well as dessert, and in the summertime, you may find us outside having a cookout. This may be the only real meal some people get in a day, so we want people to walk away from us satisfied, nourished, and ready to deal with the challenges of their day.
When someone arrives at the Hendersonville Rescue Mission, our counselors meet with guests immediately to determine the length of stay necessary. The minimum is a 3 night stay, which gives us an opportunity to do further counseling and evaluation so we can help that person make the next best decision.

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