Campbell Lodge - St. Matthew's House

2001 Airport Road S.
Naples, FL - 34112
(239) 774-0500

St. Matthews House is a part of the recovery process, not a permanent place to live.

Our goal is to equip each person that leaves St. Matthews House to make the transition from a homeless lifestyle to self-sufficiency.

When St. Mathews House residents enter our Emergency/Transitional Housing Program, they subsequently submit themselves to our rules and regulations, which in turn lead to the self-respect that comes from accountability.

We have a no-tolerance policy for drugs and alcohol.

Our program offers compassionate, disciplined counseling and guidance to each residents physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges.

Mission Statement: change lives in a spiritual environment that is both compassionate and disciplined as we provide housing for the homeless, food for the needy, and comfort for the addicted and suļ¬€ering.

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